Join the Possum Run Ski Team and practice on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and race on the weekends! You must still register (for a fee) to race on the weekends but joining the team and practice is free. A free NASTAR number is required to join the Possum Run Ski Team.
Registration closes Friday @ 6PM! SLALOM / GIANT SLALOM TRAINING & INSTRUCTION. Open to any new race team members as well as returning members under age 18. All participants must have parent or legal guardian fill out and sign Snow Trails Junior Racing Release, Waiver and Indemnity Agreement. A daily Lift Ticket or Season Pass is required and an additional cost above the camp registration fee. Lunch is not included. 9A-4P
Featuring: Fundamental Skiing and Racing Technique, Video Instruction, Timed Gate Training , and Possum Run Racing Coaching Staff.
Purchase if you have a Season Pass and want to be in all races for the season! NASTAR/Junior Race Series. A NASTAR ID is required to race! This is for Registration in the Junior Race program for those who have a season pass and ONLY need the Registration. All ages. If you do not have a Season Pass then please look for the Race Registration Plus Ticket products.
NASTAR/Junior Race Series. A NASTAR ID is required to race! This is for Registration in the Junior Race program for those who have a season pass and ONLY need the Registration. All ages. If you do not have a Season Pass then please look for the Race Registration Plus Ticket products.
This is for Non-Passholders who want practice or race with us and need an Area Lift Ticket for the day. NASTAR/Junior Race Series. A NASTAR ID is required to race! For those without a Season Pass. This includes a Lift Ticket for All Ages plus the Junior Race Registration. You can get your ticket at any ticket windows. If you have a season pass please look for the Race Registration Only product.